Top 10 Tips to Help You Build Trust in a Relationship


Trust is the foundation of all successful relationships, both personal and professional. It is the glue that holds teams together and the building block for resilient relationships. When people trust each other, they are more likely to collaborate effectively, share ideas openly, and take risks.

Trust is more important than ever before. Leaders need to be able to build and maintain trust with their teams in order to navigate uncertainty and achieve their goals. Sales professionals need to build trust with their clients in order to close deals and build long-term relationships. Everyone needs to build trust with their friends, family, and colleagues in order to have fulfilling and supportive relationships.

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Trust is the basis of any healthy relationship, providing the essential foundation for mutual understanding and emotional security. It serves as the invisible shield that brings individuals together, creating an atmosphere of openness and vulnerability. In relationships, trust creates a sense of reliability and dependability. Without trust, connections begin to unravel, leaving the relationship vulnerable to doubt and insecurity. Cultivating trust requires consistency, transparency, and genuine care- and that stands for every kind of relationship, be it personal or business.

How to Build trust

How to Build Trust?

Trust can be hard to define, but it is based on consistency. When someone is consistent, they are reliable, honest, and trustworthy. It is the confidence that someone will do what they say they will do and that they have your best interests at heart.

Building trust takes time and effort. There is no quick fix. But there are a few key things that you can do to build trust in your relationships:

1. Be consistent.

People trust those who are predictable and reliable. When you say you are going to do something, you need to make sure that you do it. If you make a mistake, you need to own up to it and apologize.

2. Be honest.

Honesty is the foundation of trust. When you are honest with others, you show them that you respect them and that you value their trust.

3. Be transparent.

Transparency means being open and honest about your intentions, your decisions, and your challenges. It means sharing information with others even when it is difficult. This also helps to understand each other better.

4. Be empathetic.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. When you are empathetic, you show others that you care about them and that you are invested in their well-being.

Building Trust in Leadership

Leaders play a critical role in building trust within their teams. When leaders are trustworthy, their teams are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and productive.

Here are a few tips for building trust as a leader:

5. Prioritize Relationships

Especially in new leadership roles, building relationships comes before implementing immediate changes. Trust precedes successful transformations.

6. Be clear about your vision and expectations.

People need to know what you are working towards and what you expect of them in order to trust you. This is especially true in times of uncertainty or when organizational changes are happening.

7. Open communication.

Communicate openly and honestly with your team members, even when it is difficult. When you have a foundation of trust, constructive criticism comes from a place of wanting your team to improve not simply stating what they did wrong in order to correct or reprimand them.

8. Be fair and consistent.

Treat all team members with respect and fairness. Be consistent in your decision-making and in your application of policies and procedures. As I said before, consistency is key to building trust. Being consistent in your actions and actually following through is critical to gaining the trust of your team members.

9. Give and receive feedback.

Be open to feedback from your team members and be willing to give them constructive feedback. This is why trust is so important to having open communication. When you give constructive criticism or feedback people feel free to discuss openly and share their opinions on what you can improve. Honest communication is a sign that your team trusts you.

10. Set and Respect Boundaries:

Establishing and respecting boundaries is essential. It creates an environment of trust and mutual respect. This is where leading by example is paramount. When you respect boundaries when it comes to deadlines, constructive feedback, or open communication you will create an unhealthy workplace culture.

What Are the Negative Effects of the Lack of Trust?

The lack of trust can have a number of negative effects, both personal and professional. In personal relationships, it brings doubt, and insecurity, and pushes people apart. Professionally, lack of trust gets in the way of teamwork, innovation, and leads to a toxic work environment. Trust issues mess with talking openly and working together, creating stress and making everyone feel uneasy. Basically, without trust, both personal and work relationships start to crumble.

  • Impaired relationships. Trust is essential for strong and healthy relationships. When there is no trust, relationships are difficult to maintain.

  • Reduced productivity. In the workplace, a lack of trust can lead to reduced productivity and collaboration. Employees who don’t trust their managers or co-workers are less likely to share ideas, take risks, or go the extra mile.

  • Increased stress. A lack of trust can also lead to increased stress and anxiety. When you don’t trust the people around you, you are constantly on edge and worried about what they might do.

  • Mental health problems. A prolonged lack of trust can lead to a number of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What Words Should You Use to Build Trust?

The words you use can have a big impact on building trust, but truthfully, actions speak for themselves when it comes to building trust. If you have a difficult time when it comes to open communication you can brush up on your skills in order to be more open and transparent in your relationships, whether personal or professional.

Here are some practical tips when it comes to communication and building trust. Remember, everyone responds differently, that’s why building relationships and knowing people individually comes first when trying to build trust, especially when it comes to teams.

Be Clear and Honest:

Use straightforward language to convey your thoughts and intentions. Avoid ambiguity and be honest about your feelings or expectations.

For example, instead of saying, “I think,” say “I am confident.”

Replace “maybe” with “I will confirm.”

This is especially true when showing your own confidence in the process, changes, or strategy that you’re implementing. When you sound unsure of yourself, your team won’t trust you fully.

Empathetic Language:

Show understanding and empathy in your words. Acknowledge other’s perspectives and emotions, demonstrating that you value their feelings. You build trust by showing others that their feelings are valid.

Instead of dismissing concerns, say “I understand how you feel.”

Use phrases like “I appreciate your perspective” to show empathy.

Quickly brushing over feedback or ideas will only make others not open up or share their thoughts. It’s important to make others feel secure and heard in order to communicate openly.

Positive Affirmations:

Incorporate positive affirmations and encouragement. Reinforce trust by expressing belief in other’s abilities and efforts.

Instead of “You should,” say “I believe in you can do this.”

Use phrases like “I have faith in your abilities” to provide positive reinforcement.

Consistency in Communication:

Ensure your words align with your actions consistently. Consistency builds a sense of reliability and trustworthiness.

Avoid making vague promises, be specific when it comes to making commitments. Just like when you’re committing to a goal, communicating ‘how much’, ‘by when’, and ‘how’ helps assure others of future plans.

Openness and Transparency:

Be open about your thoughts and share information transparently. Hiding details can create suspicion, while openness builds trust.

Instead of withholding information, say “I will share all relevant details.”

Use phrases like “Let me be transparent about this” to promote openness.

Active Listening:

Communication is a two-way street. Practice active listening to truly understand other’s perspectives, making them feel heard and respected.

Instead of interrupting, say “I hear what you’re saying, please continue.

“Use reflective statements like “So what I’m hearing is…” to show active listening. This way you can clear things up right away and avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings.

Avoid Negative or Ambiguous Terms:

Steer clear of negative or ambiguous terms that can create uncertainty or mistrust. Choose words that promote clarity and positivity.

Try to say “Let me find a solution” instead of saying “I can’t”.

Replace “problem” with “challenge” for a more positive connotation.

Express Commitment:

Clearly express your commitment to your promises or agreements. Following through on commitments reinforces trust.

Instead of a vague “I’ll try,” say “I will make it happen.”

Use phrases like “You can count on me” to express commitment.

Use “We” Instead of “I”:

Framing conversations around collaboration creates a sense of unity. Phrases like “we can work on this together” build trust in collective efforts.

Instead of focusing on personal achievements, say “We achieved this together.”

Collaborative language like “Let’s work on this collectively” fosters unity.

Encourage Open Communication:

Create an environment where open communication is valued. Encourage others to share their thoughts and concerns without fear of judgment.

Promote open dialogue with statements like “Feel free to share any concerns.”

Use phrases like “I value your input” to encourage open dialogue.

Can you rebuild trust?

Whether or not it is possible to rebuild trust once it is broken is a complex question, and the answer will vary depending on the specific situation and the people involved. However, it is important to note that rebuilding trust is never easy. It takes time, effort, and commitment from both parties.

The person who broke the trust must be willing to take responsibility for their actions and to make a sincere apology. They must also be willing to make changes to their behavior to show that they are truly committed to rebuilding the trust. The other person must also be willing to forgive and give the other person a second chance.

It is important to note that the person whose trust was broken may not be ready to forgive or rebuild the trust. This is understandable, and it is important to respect their decision. If someone is not ready to rebuild trust, it is important to give them time and space.

Here are some tips for rebuilding trust in a personal or professional relationship:

  • Be honest and transparent. This means being upfront about your intentions and sharing information even when it’s difficult.

  • Be accountable. Take responsibility for your actions and apologize sincerely.

  • Be consistent. Show that you are committed to rebuilding the trust by consistently following through on your promises and keeping your word.

  • Be patient. Rebuilding trust takes time. Don’t expect the other person to trust you again overnight.

If you have broken someone’s trust, the best thing you can do is apologize sincerely and make a sincere effort to rebuild the trust. However, it is important to understand that the other person may not be ready to forgive you. This is understandable, and it is important to respect their decision.

It is always better to avoid breaking someone’s trust in the first place. The best way to do this is to be honest, transparent, and trustworthy in all of your interactions with others

Building trust in a relationship is a gradual process that varies for each individual and situation. It depends on factors like communication, consistency, and shared experiences. There’s no fixed timeline or quick fix. Invest time and effort consistently to build trust.

It really depends. You can work to rebuild trust, but it requires sincere effort from both parties. Open communication, transparency, and consistent actions are crucial elements in the rebuilding process.

Different types of trust include reliability (dependability), emotional trust (sharing feelings), and competency trust (confidence in abilities). Each type contributes to the overall trust in a relationship.

Signs that trust is being broken may include keeping secrets, inconsistent behavior, a lack of transparency, and a noticeable shift in communication patterns. Paying attention to these signs can help address issues before they escalate.

Picture of Dr. Michelle Rozen
Dr. Michelle Rozen

Dr. Michelle Rozen, Ph.D., is a highly respected authority on the psychology of change. She is one of the most booked motivational speakers nationwide as well as internationally, and a frequent guest on media outlets such as NBC, ABC, FOX News, and CNN on topics related to dealing with change in our world and in every aspect of our lives, so that we can do better and feel better.

Her most recent book, 2 Second Decisions helps people power through with their most challenging decisions through turbulent times.

Dr. Michelle Rozen consistently speaks for Fortune 500 companies and her clients include some of the most recognizable companies in the world including Johnson & Johnson, Merrill Lynch, Pfizer, and The U.S. Navy. She holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Psychology and resides in the greater NYC area.

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