Empathetic Leadership Style: Bringing Out the Best in Your Team


Empathy plays a huge role in your life. Your relationships, how you express and communicate your own emotions, and even your ability to lead others are all connected to empathy.

When it comes to relationships, empathy is essential. Strong and healthy relationships are built on mutual understanding, trust, and the acknowledgment of one another’s perspectives. When applied to leadership, empathy becomes the driving force behind effective and inspiring guidance. Leaders who grasp the power of empathy create a positive and collaborative atmosphere, cultivating loyalty, boosting morale, and igniting innovative thinking and an overall positive culture.

Employees today, more than ever, need workplace environments that are cognizant of their needs. Empathetic leadership styles that value and uplift their employees, perform better than companies that don’t seek to empathize with their workforce. When it comes to company culture, empathy needs to come from the top down. Think about it, how can a team foster empathy when it’s not a value promoted or adopted by their leadership team?

Leadership styles that embrace empathy and genuinely believe in meeting the needs of their employees have seen great results in employee satisfaction and overall output.

Table of Contents

What Is Empathy?

To truly understand the importance of empathy you need to realize how much it impacts every aspect of your life.

Empathy fosters deeper connections with others, allowing us to understand their perspectives, feelings, and experiences. This understanding leads to greater compassion, and trust in your relationships.

Empathy generates effective communication by allowing you to listen actively and respond to others with sensitivity and understanding. When you empathize with someone, you can better grasp their concerns, intentions, and viewpoints, leading to more productive and meaningful interactions.

Empathy also motivates you to act with kindness, altruism, and a sense of social responsibility. You become more inclined to help others, volunteer your time, and advocate for those in need.

As stated previously, empathy plays a big part in self-awareness, by allowing you to recognize and understand your own emotions and motivations. This leads to improved emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and personal growth.

Empathy can contribute to mental health and well-being by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It allows you to feel connected to others and find support in times of need, creating a sense of belonging and resilience.

Empathy is helpful when it comes to navigating conflicts peacefully. It encourages you to see things from others’ perspectives and find common ground. It can promote tolerance, and a willingness to compromise.

To summarize, empathy is the ability to resonate with and understand the feelings of others and their situation. The ability to empathize or “cognitive empathy” for the average person develops around the age of 13. This is a lifelong skill used across a wide span of social relationships, from personal to work life. Empathy is incredibly important for certain roles in society; decision-makers and leaders are tasked with setting policy on behalf of others in their community. Thus, it is critical for those at the top to empathize with those they manage.

What Is Empathetic Leadership?

Empathetic leadership is a leadership style that emphasizes understanding, respecting, and responding to the emotions and perspectives of others. Empathetic leaders strive to create a positive and supportive work environment where employees feel valued, heard, and encouraged to contribute their best. They recognize that emotions play a significant role in human behavior and decision-making, and they use their emotional intelligence to build strong relationships, motivate their teams, and achieve organizational goals.

Benefits to the business include increased output and higher retention, innovation, diversity, strong company reputation, and overall customer satisfaction. Employees under empathetic leaders report better outcomes and job satisfaction.

Why Is Empathetic Leadership Important in a Work Environment?

Why is empathy important in the workplace? Empathy is crucial in many aspects of your life, your work life included.

A more empathetic leadership style in a company reflects in the overall success of that organization. Companies that encourage the enrichment and well-being of their employees see results externally from clients and customers.

Empathy in the workplace is vital for the betterment of employees and the overall success of the business. Empathic leadership translates to overall job satisfaction which in turn leads to increased employee retention, productivity, and innovation. Employees in work environments where they feel heard and uplifted outperform their equal counterparts than in companies where empathy isn’t part of the management culture.

Often underestimated, genuine interest in supporting employees means taking an interest in individual outcomes and job development. Businesses that embrace their employees and encourage their management to focus on the emotional and physical well-being of their workers see overall positive results. Dissatisfied employees typically grow resentful of their work and the people on their team, which results in the breakdown of effective collaboration, innovation, and productivity.  

Ultimately, empathetic leadership is an essential building block in creating an inclusive, understanding environment that allows employees to develop individually and as a collective team.

Key Characteristics of an Empathetic Leader

There are a few key traits to master to become a strong and genuine empathetic leader. Approachable leadership takes learning the techniques that allow employees to communicate quickly and reliably making meeting their needs possible.

Listen to Understand

Empathetic leaders are skilled listeners who give their full attention to their team members. They listen attentively to both verbal and nonverbal cues, allowing them to grasp the underlying emotions and concerns of their team. This active listening demonstrates genuine care and understanding, building trust and strengthening relationships.

Leadership, surprisingly, requires more listening than explaining. An empathetic leader needs to be able to listen first, synthesize, and then act. This applies to all aspects of the job, it is important to genuinely understand what is being said and asked. The ability to fully understand a problem an employee has an issue with can lead to a fast and productive resolution. Listening is the direct means of comprehension.

Listening to understand does not necessarily need to take place in a verbal discussion, but there does need to be a consistent and validating avenue for employees to offer feedback and get help. Allowing employees group meeting catchups makes group thinking possible, one-on-one meetings are usually the most classic and direct. Then there is written feedback, which should be equally welcomed. Allowing multiple channels and opportunities throughout the day can help managers listen and fully understand, then meet needs.

Remember, when there’s no open communication, people fear expressing their opinions, feedback, and suggestions which creates a huge stepback in innovation, creativity, and drive.

Emotional Intelligence

Another key skill of empathetic business leaders is emotional intelligence.

Empathetic leaders have a high level of emotional intelligence, which means they are aware of their own emotions and the emotions of others. They are able to manage their emotions effectively and avoid making decisions based on their own biases.

Empathetic leaders are better at understanding the needs of their team members. Because they also practice active listening. They can see things from their team members’ perspectives and understand their motivations. This allows them to provide the support and guidance that their team members need to succeed.

Empathetic leaders are more effective communicators. They can communicate with their team members in a way that is clear, concise, and respectful. They are also able to listen actively and understand the nonverbal cues that their team members are sending.

Empathetic leaders are better at resolving conflict. They can remain calm and rational in the face of conflict, and they can see the situation from all sides. This allows them to find solutions that are fair and equitable for all involved.

Empathetic leaders are better at creating a positive work environment. They can build trust and understanding with their team members, and they can create a sense of belonging and inclusion. This creates a workplace where people feel valued and respected, and where they are motivated to do their best work.

See Things From A Different Perspective

Practicing empathetic leadership means that you can step outside your own perspectives in order to understand other viewpoints and different opinions.

This is a critical skill in building a team culture focused on inclusivity, collaboration, and a more equitable work environment.

Remember, as a leader, you will encounter challenges, but being able to see things from the perspective of others can be extremely helpful in understanding your team’s needs.

Open Communication

Empathetic leaders understand and encourage open and honest communication within their teams. Creating a safe space where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of judgment is essential for a company’s success. Open communication promotes transparency, trust, and a culture of feedback.

Offer Support

Support doesn’t come only in mental health programs and resources.

Support and encouragement should be a priority for empathic leaders. People tend to focus on the negative aspects of life, which in turn translates into correcting and criticizing people. Developing sincere interest in your team’s growth journey and its challenges demonstrates care for their well-being, both personally and professionally. This compassionate support fosters a sense of belonging, loyalty, and a commitment to the team’s success.

Student-Like Mindset

There are two types of mindsets for a leader: masters and students. The master is someone who has honed his skill or knowledge-set and spends the majority of their time teaching subordinates. While leaders might be well-versed and experienced, it is unwise to take a master mindset to approach problem-solving and working with a diverse team.

A student-like mindset is a nimble approach to leadership. These types of leaders are more open to learning new things, particularly open to being wrong and utilizing these moments as a lesson for growth. This is a vital aspect of any strong leader as it allows them to be more dynamic and responsive in the face of an issue or new situation. Leaders who are willing to learn from not only people above them but below them gain more perspective and can better adapt to their team.


Managing people with empathy requires a level of selflessness. Empathy is achievable by stepping out of one’s own world and imagining what it is like for another. Stepping away from personal bias and preference to meet the needs of the team. Not all leadership decisions will benefit everyone, management included. It is essential to know how to balance and find the overall best outcome for the company and employees alike.

What are the Benefits of Empathetic Leadership?

The benefits of embracing an empathetic leadership style are not always clearly visible in the outcomes. These changes are not immediate, but they are very worth taking the time and resources to invest in. These outcomes are usually seen internally and externally, which will make the business look all the more impressive to current and future employees, plus vested partners.


Companies that choose an empathetic leadership style tend to have a more diverse and inclusive workforce. People who do not fit the stereotypical mold of the industry they work in, find that empathetic workplaces are going to offer better support and career opportunities. Empathy is essential as it allows for more unique hires, thus translating to more innovative solutions and unparalleled perspectives. 

Work-Life Balance

Employees are not required, nor is it healthy to make their work their entire world, people have lives outside of the office. From time-to-time work may take priority and at other times life may need to be at the forefront for any one individual. Overall, there needs to be some equilibrium and leaders should respect this.

No two employees are the same, and their personal lives outside of work are not going to be the same either. Managers should learn to empathize with the needs and desires of the employees on both fronts. Allowing flexibility and understanding of individual needs leads to the overall happiness and success of employees and in turn the company. Creating a culture where work-life balance is encouraged requires understanding on the part of management.

Reduction in Burnout, Increase in Retention

Employees want to perform well at their jobs, they want to succeed. Giving them the tools to succeed is the role of management. Allowing employees a sense of control and understanding reduces workplace stress, which in turn reduces the likelihood of burnout and improves overall employee retention. Working with teams and understanding how to improve the work culture makes for more productive and satisfied teams.

Empathy helps give employees a sense of belonging, and overall enjoyment in what they do. Employees often feel their leaders trust them when they are able to level with them on a personal problem. People are generally more motivated to work with and for others if they feel respected and valued, which empathy facilitates.

What are the Downsides of Empathetic Leadership?

While empathetic leadership has a positive impact, like any leadership style, it’s not without potential downsides:

Emotional Drain: Constantly absorbing and understanding the emotions of others can be emotionally draining for empathetic leaders, leading to burnout.

Decision-Making Challenges: Empathetic leaders may find it challenging to make tough decisions that could potentially hurt team members, as they are highly attuned to the emotional implications.

Overlooking Performance Issues: The desire to be supportive can sometimes lead to overlooking performance issues, hindering the overall effectiveness of the team.

Difficulty in Giving Negative Feedback: Empathetic leaders may struggle to provide critical feedback, fearing the impact on team members’ emotions.

Boundary Issues: Empathetic leaders might struggle to establish clear boundaries between their personal and professional lives, leading to potential challenges in maintaining a work-life balance.

Stressful Environments: Empathetic leaders may internalize the stress and challenges faced by their team, leading to increased stress levels for the leader.

How to practice empathetic leadership

Here are 10 ways to practice and cultivate empathetic leadership:

  1. Active Listening: Engage in attentive listening, giving your full attention to others’ words and nonverbal cues. Demonstrate a genuine interest in their perspectives, experiences, and emotions.
  2. Show Empathy and Compassion: Recognize and acknowledge the emotions of others, especially during challenging times. Offer support, understanding, and encouragement to help them navigate through difficulties.
  3. Practice Open Communication: Foster a culture of open and transparent communication, where individuals feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, concerns, and ideas without fear of judgment.
  4. Encourage Feedback and Dialogue: Seek regular feedback from team members, valuing their insights and perspectives. Engage in open dialogue to address concerns, resolve conflicts, and foster continuous improvement.
  5. Celebrate Successes and Recognize Efforts: Acknowledge and appreciate individual and team accomplishments, both big and small. Show gratitude for their contributions and dedication to success.
  6. Promote a Positive and Inclusive Work Environment: Create a workplace culture that values diversity, equity, and inclusion. Encourage respect, collaboration, and a sense of belonging among all team members.
  7. Lead by Example: Be a role model of empathy and emotional intelligence. Demonstrate your ability to manage your own emotions, connect with others, and create a supportive and positive environment.
  8. Seek Continuous Learning and Development: Actively seek opportunities to enhance your own understanding of empathy, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills. Participate in workshops, seminars, or coaching programs to refine your empathetic leadership approach.
  9. Empower and Encourage Autonomy: Empower team members to take ownership of their work and the decision-making process. Trust their abilities, provide guidance when needed, and encourage their professional growth.
  10. Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from team members and colleagues to gain insights into your effectiveness as an empathetic leader. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and strengthen your leadership approach.

How to Learn to Become an Empathetic Leader

We’ve talked about the most essential leadership skills in developing an empathic leadership style. Here are 5 ways that you can become a more empathetic leader.

1. Observe Other Leaders

Identify empathetic leaders within your organization or in your community and observe their behaviors and communication styles. Pay attention to how they connect with others, demonstrate compassion, and foster a sense of belonging. This can be an effective strategy to improve your own leadership approach.

Seek guidance from leaders who can provide valuable insights and support your personal development. Observe their mentorship style, learn from their experiences, and seek their advice on navigating challenging situations with empathy and compassion.

2. Embrace Feedback

Feedback is truly important. Remember to seek feedback on your communication style, and leadership approach, and work on the areas that you need to improve, after all, change starts first and foremost with you.

3. Practice Empathy Daily

Improving any skill needs practice. Make a conscious effort to practice empathy in your daily interactions with colleagues, friends, and family members. Listen attentively, acknowledge their feelings, and offer support when needed. These small acts of empathy can have a significant impact on strengthening relationships and building trust.

4. Encourage Team Building

Create opportunities for team members to share their experiences and stories. This builds a sense of connection within the team.

You can begin by doing regular check-ins, celebrating both individual and team achievements to reinforce a sense of unity.

Try to rotate leadership roles during activities to promote equality and provide opportunities for everyone to contribute.

5. Continuously Reflect and Evolve

Regularly reflect on your interactions with others, evaluating your ability to connect with them on an empathetic level. Identify areas where you can improve and set goals to refine your empathetic leadership skills. Remember, empathy is a continuous learning process, and your commitment to personal growth will contribute to your success as an empathetic leader.

Can Empathetic Leaders Lead Through Change?

Empathetic leadership is important, especially while leading through change. Communicating clearly, understanding, and addressing the team’s concerns, builds trust and support. Empathy fosters open communication, creating a cohesive environment where team members feel heard and valued. This emotional intelligence enables empathetic leaders to navigate transitions with resilience, ensuring a smooth and successful change process.

To learn more about leading through change check out this article on 5 Powerful Tips for Leaders to Motivate and Engage Their Teams Through Change.

How to Engage Remote Workers as an Empathetic Leader

Open communication is key when it comes to engaging remote workers. By actively listening to their challenges, and recognizing achievements, leaders can make them feel valued and appreciated. Virtual team-building activities can also work to strengthen connections. Provide flexibility to accommodate diverse needs and promote a supportive work culture. By prioritizing empathy, leaders create a sense of belonging and motivation among remote team members. To discover more insights on How to engage remote teams read the full article here.

Other Leadership Styles

In addition to empathetic leadership, styles like transformational leadership inspire innovation and growth by fostering a shared vision. Authoritative leadership offers clear direction and decisiveness, suitable in crises. There are many effective leadership styles that often blend these attributes, adapting to diverse situations for optimal results.


Being empathetic as a leader is not a final destination, it takes time to build up a culture of empathy in the workplace and within one’s team. An empathetic leader needs to set up practices and rituals with their team to better know them personally. Empathy serves as a constant reminder that people are what make businesses successful.


Empathetic leadership is about understanding and sharing the feelings of others, fostering a compassionate and supportive environment.

In the workplace, empathetic leadership is applied by actively listening to team members, acknowledging their perspectives, and creating a culture that prioritizes well-being and collaboration.

Empathetic leadership is important because it builds trust, strengthens team dynamics, and contributes to a positive work culture. It enhances communication, boosts morale, and ultimately leads to improved overall team performance and well-being.

Picture of Dr. Michelle Rozen
Dr. Michelle Rozen

Dr. Michelle Rozen, Ph.D., is a highly respected authority on the psychology of change. She is one of the most booked motivational speakers nationwide as well as internationally, and a frequent guest on media outlets such as NBC, ABC, FOX News, and CNN on topics related to dealing with change in our world and in every aspect of our lives, so that we can do better and feel better.

Her most recent book, 2 Second Decisions helps people power through with their most challenging decisions through turbulent times.

Dr. Michelle Rozen consistently speaks for Fortune 500 companies and her clients include some of the most recognizable companies in the world including Johnson & Johnson, Merrill Lynch, Pfizer, and The U.S. Navy. She holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Psychology and resides in the greater NYC area.

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