Learn Confidence In a Changing World

Understanding Resistance to Change in Leadership

Change, it’s a word that simultaneously excites some and terrifies others. In your leadership journey, you’ve undoubtedly stumbled upon this puzzling aspect: Why do many resist the winds of change, choosing instead to anchor themselves firmly to the familiar?

The Familiar

Imagine someone standing by an elevator button, pressing it repeatedly despite no apparent effect. This repetition, this familiarity, offers a comfort many crave. People often wonder, “Why seek a different path when the one I’m on is familiar and has served its purpose for 10, 20, or even 30 years?” Here’s a playful twist: Ever thought of trying the stairs for a change?

The Brain’s Energy

Now, let’s dive a little deeper. Your brain, that wondrous organ ticking inside your skull, is quite the energy hog. Consuming about 20% of your daily energy, it’s always on the hunt for efficiency. Whether you’re answering emails, engaging on social media, or simply navigating your day, you’re tapping into this energy reserve.

So, when change looms on the horizon, it presents an unfamiliar challenge. A diversion from the known path means expending more than the regular 20% energy. Your brain, like a frugal energy consumer, thinks, “Why spend more when I can cruise comfortably on 20%?”

It’s quite similar to enjoying your favorite comfy couch. Why move when it’s so darn cozy?

Leading Through Change

As a leader, you’re often at the helm of change. Be it introducing new technology, navigating regulatory shifts, or setting fresh expectations, change is a constant companion. Yet, when you propose these shifts, you’re essentially asking team members to exit their comfort zones, to exert more energy. And therein lies the challenge. How can you motivate a team, or even yourself, to willingly spend more than the pre-set 20%?

Embracing the New Normal

It’s not about pushing harder; it’s about understanding deeper. Recognizing the intrinsic human tendency to resist extra energy expenditure is the first step. The next? Crafting strategies that make this energy expenditure seem worth it.

So, instead of confronting resistance head-on, how about using a bit of gentle persuasion? Maybe you can frame the change as an exciting challenge or an opportunity for personal growth. And hey, while you’re at it, sprinkle in some light-hearted humor. “Think of this change as trying a new ice cream flavor. Who knows, it might just become your new favorite!”

Steering the Ship of Transformation

Change doesn’t need to be a turbulent storm; it can be a refreshing breeze. By understanding the underlying reasons for resistance, you can steer your leadership ship more effectively. Support your team, reassure them, and remind them of the rewards that come from venturing into new territories.

In conclusion, if you find team members or even yourself anchored by the “elevator button” of familiarity, remember the 20% energy rule. Then, craft your leadership strategies accordingly. By understanding and acknowledging the brain’s natural tendencies, you can pave the way for smoother transitions and a more adaptable team.

So next time the winds of change blow, don’t just stand there hitting that familiar button. Take a leap, try the stairs, and who knows? You might just enjoy the climb!

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